
CAL Wiki Sandbox

This page is for playing around with the wiki.

Try making edits, and linking to other things. For example, make a link to your username: dkg.

you can make section headings

and Lists:

  • first item
  • second item

you can make subsection headings

with bold text or italic text

and other subsections

including verbatim sections:

a b                            c d s 


because of the macro at the top of the wiki source of this page which looks like:


that nifty little outline shows up in the upper-right corner. This is good for pages with lots of sections and subsections.

html preprocessor

you can also enter HTML directly, like this:

here is some bold.

a link into the SVN repository.

Last modified 19 years ago Last modified on 04/01/06 12:16:36
Note: See TracWiki for help on using the wiki.