Welcome to the Wisdom Wiki
This page is intended to be a repository of advice, useful links, code, etc primarily for graduate students. Please feel free to edit it and add to it so that others can gain from your experience. Make sure that when you do add to it that you leave your name attached to the articles you've added, so that people know who to talk to for more information on the subject. The (un)official advice the department gives to the graduate students is contained in the Graduate Student Handbook, so it's a good idea to read it once through if you're not sure how certain things have been done in the department.
NOTE: All of this is horribly outdated. I want to get a few of us to fix this up because I can't do it by myself. - Steven
Columbia University Policies
Graduate Student Progress Report
Creating and Giving Presentations
Other Responsibilities
FAQ for Students in their Last Year
Administrate Your Own Workstation
Linux-Specific Help
Mac-Specific Help
How to tell if your Mac processor is 32- or 64-bit
Customizing colors for xTerm and Terminal
Showing hidden files in Finder for when you don't want to do things on the command line